Con has twice as much money as Fiona. If Fiona earns an extra $15, Con will only

have one-and-a-half times her amount. How much money does each person have?
Simultaneous equations

To solve this problem using simultaneous equations, let's first assign variables to the unknowns. Let's say Fiona's amount of money is "x" dollars, and Con's amount of money is "2x" dollars since Con has twice as much as Fiona.

Based on the given information, we can form two equations:

1. "If Fiona earns an extra $15, Con will only have one-and-a-half times her amount."
This can be expressed as: 2x + 15 = 1.5(x)

2. Con has twice as much money as Fiona.
This can be expressed as: 2x = x (since Con has twice the amount of money as Fiona)

Now we can solve the simultaneous equations by substituting equation 2 into equation 1:

2x + 15 = 1.5(x)
2x + 15 = 1.5x

Next, we can solve for "x" by subtracting 1.5x from both sides:

2x - 1.5x + 15 = 0.5x + 15
0.5x + 15 = 0

Subtracting 15 from both sides:

0.5x = -15

Finally, we can solve for x by multiplying both sides by 2:

x = -30

Now we can substitute this value of x into the equations to find the amount of money each person has:

Fiona's amount: x = -30 dollars
Con's amount: 2x = 2 * (-30) = -60 dollars

Since money cannot be negative, it appears there might be an error in the question or the given information. Please double-check the problem for any mistakes.