Who is the richest person in Paraguay? Thanks!

To find out who the richest person in Paraguay is, you can refer to several reliable sources that compile and publish lists of billionaires and wealthy individuals. One such source is the annual Forbes billionaire list. Here's how you can check:

1. Visit the Forbes website: Open your preferred web browser and go to www.forbes.com.

2. Navigate to the billionaire list: Once on the Forbes homepage, look for the menu button (usually represented by three horizontal lines) and click on it. From the dropdown menu, select "Billionaires."

3. Find the country filter: On the billionaire list page, you should see a filter option that allows you to refine the search by country. Look for this filter and select "Paraguay."

4. Check the rankings: After applying the country filter, the list will display the names and rankings of billionaires from Paraguay. Look for the highest-ranked individual, as this person is likely to be considered the richest person in Paraguay based on their estimated net worth.

Please note that wealth rankings can change over time due to fluctuations in net worth, so make sure to consult the latest updates provided by trusted sources to get the most accurate and up-to-date information.


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