43. President Truman issued the Truman Doctrine in response to

a. Soviet aggression in Poland
b. pressure by Communists on Turkey and Greece
c. Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech
d. Stalin's demands at the Postdam Conference

45. The Weathermen alarmed most Americans because of their
a. march on the Pentagon
b. violent tactics
c. ideas about the country
d. angry speeches
Not sure..

50. The Warren Commission declared that the Kennedy assassination
a. was the act of a single man
b. was part of a large conspiracy
c. resulted from poor security
d. could have been avoided


50 is correct.

You can Google the other questions to find the answers.

On the weathermen,you have to know that on TV, I love Lucy, and Leave it to Beaver were standard fare.

To answer the questions:

43. To determine the answer to this question, you need to know about the Truman Doctrine and its purpose. The Truman Doctrine was a policy adopted by President Harry S. Truman in 1947 in response to the expansion of Soviet influence and Communist movements. Its goal was to provide economic and military assistance to countries threatened by communism. Now, you need to identify the reason President Truman issued the Truman Doctrine.

Option a. Soviet aggression in Poland: While the Soviet Union was indeed involved in Eastern Europe during this time, the Truman Doctrine specifically focused on the broader threat of communism worldwide.
Option b. Pressure by Communists on Turkey and Greece: This is the correct answer. President Truman issued the Truman Doctrine in response to the pressure exerted by Communist movements on Turkey and Greece.
Option c. Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech: While Churchill's speech did contribute to the growing concerns about communism, it is not directly related to the Truman Doctrine.
Option d. Stalin's demands at the Potsdam Conference: The Potsdam Conference took place in 1945 and focused on post-World War II issues, but it is not directly connected to the Truman Doctrine.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. pressure by Communists on Turkey and Greece.

45. To determine the answer to this question, you need to understand who the Weathermen were and what made them alarming to most Americans. The Weathermen were a radical left-wing organization that emerged from the broader student activist movement of the 1960s. They advocated for violent tactics as a means of achieving their political goals. Now, you need to identify why the Weathermen alarmed most Americans.

Option a. March on the Pentagon: While the Weathermen did participate in protests and demonstrations, a single march on the Pentagon would not be the sole reason for alarming most Americans.
Option b. Violent tactics: This is the correct answer. The Weathermen alarmed most Americans because of their use of violent tactics to further their cause.
Option c. Ideas about the country: While the Weathermen held radical ideologies, their alarming nature was primarily due to their violent actions.
Option d. Angry speeches: While speeches can be influential, the Weathermen's alarming nature was not solely based on the content or tone of their speeches.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. violent tactics.

50. To answer this question, you need to understand the findings of the Warren Commission regarding the Kennedy assassination. The Warren Commission was formed to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Now, you need to determine what conclusion the Warren Commission reached.

Option a. Was the act of a single man: This is the correct answer. The Warren Commission declared that the Kennedy assassination was the act of a single man, Lee Harvey Oswald.
Option b. Was part of a large conspiracy: While there have been conspiracy theories surrounding the Kennedy assassination, the Warren Commission's official conclusion was that it was the act of a single man.
Option c. Resulted from poor security: While there were security concerns surrounding the assassination, the Warren Commission did not attribute the cause solely to poor security.
Option d. Could have been avoided: While the assassination itself was a tragedy, the Warren Commission's focus was on determining the facts of the case rather than speculating on whether it could have been avoided.

Therefore, the correct answer is a. was the act of a single man (Lee Harvey Oswald).