I need to write an essay on the topic[prompt] Do you think all children should have to be vaccinated against serious disease before they are allowed to enter school?

I can't seem to find many helpful sites.. I tend to not believe in all vaccines, just a few.. Thanks, Jarrad

These sites should help you.



You might also want to research the vaccines that you feel may be harmful.

Thank you Ms. Sue, Jarrad

You're welcome, Jarrad.

To find information for your essay, you can use a combination of reliable sources. Let's break it down into a step-by-step process:

1. Start with a general search on the topic: Begin by searching for "children vaccination before school" or a similar query on a search engine such as Google. This will give you an overview of the subject and different perspectives.

2. Government health organizations: Check websites of reputable health organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These sites have comprehensive information on vaccinations, including their benefits and recommended guidelines.

3. Academic databases: Accessing academic databases can provide scholarly articles, studies, and research on the topic. Your school or local library may offer access to databases like JSTOR, PubMed, or Google Scholar. Use keywords like "vaccination," "children," and "school" to refine your search.

4. Published research articles: Look for journals or articles written by medical professionals, epidemiologists, or other experts in the field. Reading peer-reviewed articles will give your essay more credibility.

5. Opposing viewpoints: It's important to consider all perspectives, even if you have personal beliefs. Look for reputable sources that present viewpoints different from your own. This will help you provide a balanced argument in your essay.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, considering factors like the source's credibility, relevance, and recency. Additionally, citing credible sources in your essay will make your arguments stronger.

Considering your personal beliefs about vaccines, it's important to maintain an open mind while researching and writing your essay. Be sure to base your arguments on reliable evidence to ensure a well-informed and balanced perspective.