20. Which combining form means “ear”?


21. Which group of words describes a condition that results from
A. Presbyopia C. Muscle tone
B. Articulation D. Astigmatism

22. The most complicated part of the brain is the
A. brain stem. C. thalamus.
B. cerebellum. D. cerebrum.

23. The choroid and the auricle are similar because
A. one collects light and the other collects sound.
B. both are cartilage structures.
C. one lines the joint cavity and the other lines the labyrinth.
D. one transports proprioceptor impulses and the other
tranports aural impulses.

24. A young man happens to spot an ex-girlfriend he’s trying to avoid. Why does his mouth
become dry?
A. His cervical plexus overrides the parasympathetic stimulation for saliva production.
B. His cranial nerves shut down saliva production.
C. His central nervous system shuts down saliva production.
D. His sympathetic nervous system overrides the parasympathetic stimulation for
saliva production.

20. The combining form that means "ear" is C. OT/O. To find this answer, you can break down the word options and identify the combining forms. In this case, you can see that "OT/O" is the combining form related to the ear.

21. The condition that results from aging is A. Presbyopia. To find this answer, you need to understand the definitions of the word options. Presbyopia is a visual condition that occurs as a natural part of the aging process, causing difficulty in focusing on near objects.

22. The most complicated part of the brain is D. cerebrum. To find this answer, you need to have knowledge of the different parts of the brain. The cerebrum is responsible for higher cognitive functions, such as thinking, memory, and perception.

23. The choroid and the auricle are similar because A. one collects light and the other collects sound. To find this answer, you need to understand the functions of the choroid and the auricle. The choroid is a part of the eye that collects light, while the auricle is the external part of the ear that collects sound.

24. The young man's mouth becomes dry because D. his sympathetic nervous system overrides the parasympathetic stimulation for saliva production. To find this answer, you need to understand the role of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. In this situation, the fight-or-flight response is triggered, which results in the sympathetic nervous system overriding the parasympathetic stimulation for saliva production, leading to a dry mouth.