There are 3 pizzas, cut into 10 peices each. The total cost of the pizzas was $25, and dorm A contributed $10 towards the pizza. How many peices of pizza should dorm A receive?


Cross multiply:
Divide both sides by 25:

To check, plug in 12 for x



To find out how many pieces of pizza dorm A should receive, we need to first determine the total number of pieces of pizza and then calculate the portion that dorm A contributed.

Given that there are 3 pizzas, each cut into 10 pieces, the total number of pieces of pizza is 3 * 10 = 30.

Next, we know that the total cost of the pizzas was $25, and dorm A contributed $10. To calculate the portion that dorm A contributed, we can use the proportion of the contribution to the total cost:

Portion contributed by dorm A = (Dorm A's contribution / Total cost of pizzas) * Total number of pieces of pizza

Plugging in the values, we have:
Portion contributed by dorm A = ($10 / $25) * 30 = (2/5) * 30 = 12 pieces

Therefore, dorm A should receive 12 pieces of pizza.