Kyle had 36 books in his locker. Some were library books, some were textbooks, and the rest were telephone books. The number of library books and telephone books combined equals 3 times the number of library books.How many of each type of book were in Kyle's locker?

Please help me /:

You typed something wrong. Please fix your third sentences.

oops. my bad. It should say -The number of textbooks and telephone books combined equals 3 times the number of library books.

This same question has appeared several times,

here is a solution .....

Sure! Let's break down the information given in the problem:

1. Kyle had a total of 36 books in his locker.
2. The books were divided into three categories: library books, textbooks, and telephone books.
3. The number of library books and telephone books combined equals 3 times the number of library books.

To solve this problem, let's assume that the number of library books is "L," the number of textbooks is "T," and the number of telephone books is "P."

We know that L + T + P = 36 (since the total number of books is 36).

According to the problem, the number of library books and telephone books combined is 3 times the number of library books. This can be written as (L + P) = 3L.

Now, we need to find the values of L, T, and P that satisfy both equations.

Let's rearrange the second equation:
(L + P) = 3L
P = 3L - L
P = 2L

Now, substitute this value of P into the first equation:
L + T + 2L = 36
3L + T = 36

To find the values of L and T, we need another equation. Unfortunately, the given problem does not provide any additional information. So, we cannot determine the exact number of each type of book in Kyle's locker without more information.

However, if you have any additional information or constraints, feel free to provide them, and I'll be happy to assist you further in solving the problem.