What was J. Dennis Hastert's style as Speaker

What are your choices?

powerful Speaker who had considerable control over the House

a weak Speaker who had very little control over the House
a behind-the-scenes Speaker who stayed out of the limelight
a corrupt Speaker who resigned after he was indicted by a Texas grand jury
a go-along-to-get-along Speaker

Study this carefully and then tell us what you think.


I think that a poweful speaker who had considerable control over the house

I think he was a behind the scenes speaker who stayed out of the limelight

J. Dennis Hastert served as the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States from 1999 to 2007. To understand his style as Speaker, you can examine his leadership approach, legislative priorities, and political strategies during his tenure.

1. Leadership Approach: Hastert was known for his calm and inclusive leadership approach. He emphasized building consensus within his party and fostering relationships with members across the aisle. Rather than being a high-profile, charismatic speaker, he adopted a more behind-the-scenes approach, working to unite the House Republicans and advance their policy agenda.

2. Legislative Priorities: During his speakership, Hastert focused on advancing the Republican Party's legislative priorities. He supported President George W. Bush's agenda, including tax cuts, education reform, and national security initiatives. Hastert worked to shepherd these policies through the House and build support among members.

3. Political Strategies: Hastert was known for his strategic political sense. He prioritized maintaining and expanding the Republican majority in the House, working to ensure that his party maintained control and influence. He built coalitions within the Republican Party and sought to bridge divides between more conservative and moderate members, aiming to pass legislation that reflected the party's broad interests.

It is important to note that individual perspectives on Hastert's leadership style may vary, as opinions can differ depending on one's political affiliation and personal beliefs. Therefore, it is advisable to explore a range of sources, including news articles, interviews, and official records, to develop a comprehensive understanding of his style as Speaker.