Since industrial revolution, what is the increased atmospheric CO2 of the US?


To determine the increased atmospheric CO2 of the US since the industrial revolution, we need to compare the CO2 levels before and after this period.

To get accurate data on historical CO2 levels, we can rely on scientific and environmental records, which include measurements such as ice core samples, direct measurements from monitoring stations, and satellite observations.

However, as an AI text-based bot, I don't have direct access to up-to-date atmospheric CO2 data. Therefore, I cannot provide you with the specific percentage increase in CO2 levels in the US since the industrial revolution.

To obtain this information, you can consult reliable sources such as scientific research articles, government publications, or reputable environmental organizations that regularly monitor atmospheric CO2 levels. These sources will likely have precise data on the increase in CO2 concentrations in the US since the beginning of the industrial revolution.