12. To which groups did George Wallace target his campaign?

a. southerners and blue-collar voters
b. Republicans and left-leaning Democrats
c. campus radicals and antiwar forces
d. professors and editorial writers

15. What effect did Supreme Court decisions on apportionment bring about?
a. People accused of a crime must be informed on their rights
b. Low-cost health insurance must be provided for the poor
c. Electoral districts had to be redrawn based on "one person, one vote."
d. Criminal suspects must be given legal aid free if they cannot afford it.

16. The aim that Congress has in passing the War Powers Act was to
a. give the President more power in using American forces overseas
b. forbid the President from ever sending American forces overseas
c. limit the President's emergency powers in sending troops overseas
d. order the President to bring American troops back from Iran

17. The movement for multiculturalism called for increased
a. attention to non-Europe cultures
b. numerical targets for hiring women and minorities
c. cuts in entitlement programs
d. pressure on Americans to retire at age 65.

Please help

(Ignore #12!)


12. is a.

MC -- please go back and read your text and at least take a stab at the other three answers.

ok, what do you think, said the mama owl to the owlet? just after telling the owlet you will never fly until you jump off the limb...

12. In order to determine which groups George Wallace targeted in his campaign, we can research his political platform and campaign strategy. George Wallace was a prominent segregationist and populist politician in the 1960s who served as Governor of Alabama. He became known for his staunch opposition to desegregation and for his populist appeal to working-class voters.

By researching his speeches, campaign materials, and political positions, we can gather information on the groups he aimed to reach. Based on this research, it is likely that the answer is option a. southerners and blue-collar voters.

15. To understand the effect of Supreme Court decisions on apportionment, we can review the historical context and the specific decisions made by the court. The Supreme Court has made several rulings regarding apportionment, which refers to the distribution of legislative seats in electoral districts. One landmark decision on this issue is Baker v. Carr (1962), in which the court established the principle of "one person, one vote."

This decision required that electoral districts be redrawn based on equal population representation, ensuring that each person's vote carries equal weight. Therefore, the answer to this question is c. Electoral districts had to be redrawn based on "one person, one vote."

16. To determine the aim of Congress in passing the War Powers Act, we can examine the historical context and the provisions of the act itself. The War Powers Act, also known as the War Powers Resolution, was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1973. It aimed to address the balance of power between the executive and legislative branches regarding the deployment of American forces overseas.

By researching the debates and discussions surrounding the passage of the War Powers Act, we can find that the aim of Congress was to c. limit the President's emergency powers in sending troops overseas.

17. To understand the goals of the multiculturalism movement, we can examine its historical origins and principles. The multiculturalism movement emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as a response to the civil rights movement and the growing awareness of diverse cultures within the United States.

This movement called for increased attention to non-European cultures, promoting the recognition, celebration, and inclusion of different racial, ethnic, and cultural groups in American society. Therefore, the answer is a. attention to non-Europe cultures.

Remember, it is always beneficial to refer to reliable sources and further research these topics for a comprehensive understanding.