How many grams of potassium can be obtained from the decompostion of 100 grams of KCl?

Convert 100 g KCl to moles. moles = grams/molar mass

Convert mols KCl to moles K (1:1 so that shouldn't be a problem).

Convert moles K to grams. g = moles x molar mass.

To determine the number of grams of potassium that can be obtained from the decomposition of 100 grams of KCl (potassium chloride), we need to consider the atomic masses and composition of KCl.

Step 1: Find the molar mass of KCl
The molar mass of potassium chloride (KCl) can be calculated by adding the atomic masses of potassium (K) and chlorine (Cl) together. The atomic mass of potassium is 39.1 grams per mole (g/mol), and the atomic mass of chlorine is 35.45 g/mol.

Molar mass of KCl = (39.1 g/mol) + (35.45 g/mol) = 74.55 g/mol

Step 2: Determine the molar ratio
The molar ratio tells us how many moles of potassium are present in one mole of potassium chloride (KCl). By examining the chemical formula KCl, we can see that there is one mole of potassium for every one mole of KCl. Therefore, the molar ratio of potassium to potassium chloride is 1:1.

Step 3: Convert grams of KCl to moles
To convert grams of KCl to moles, we need to divide the given mass by the molar mass of KCl.

Number of moles of KCl = (100 g) / (74.55 g/mol) ≈ 1.34 mol

Step 4: Calculate grams of potassium
Since the molar ratio of KCl to potassium is 1:1, the number of moles of potassium will be the same as the number of moles of KCl.

Number of moles of potassium = 1.34 mol

To convert moles of potassium to grams, we multiply the number of moles by the molar mass of potassium, which is 39.1 g/mol.

Grams of potassium = (1.34 mol) x (39.1 g/mol) ≈ 52.4 g

Therefore, from the decomposition of 100 grams of KCl, we can obtain approximately 52.4 grams of potassium.