how does the survival of males after production of young affect the optimal sex ratio? what are the assumptions of this theory? Are there any examples of how by changing the assumptions of this model the predictions will change? Why according to the basic sex ratio theory are sex ratis expected to evolve to 50:50 in a panmictic population?

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The survival of males after the production of young can affect the optimal sex ratio through the theory of sex allocation, which attempts to explain the optimal allocation of resources towards producing offspring of either sex. The theory suggests that selection favors a sex ratio that maximizes the reproductive success of an individual.

The assumptions of this theory include the following:

1. Equal mating opportunities: It is assumed that all individuals of both sexes have equal access to potential mates.
2. Equal parental investment: It is assumed that males and females invest equal amounts of resources and effort into their offspring.
3. No differential reproductive success: The theory assumes that there are no differences in reproductive success among males and females.

Changing these assumptions can lead to different predictions in terms of optimal sex ratios. For example:

1. If there is polygyny, where some males have multiple mates, the optimal sex ratio may shift toward more females, as each male can mate with multiple females.
2. If there are differences in parental investment between males and females, the optimal sex ratio may also change. For instance, if males invest less in offspring, it may be more advantageous to produce more females.

According to the basic sex ratio theory, in a panmictic population where individuals are randomly mating, sex ratios are expected to evolve to a 50:50 ratio. This is because selection should favor a sex ratio that maximizes reproductive success, and in the absence of specific constraints or biases, equal investment in producing both sexes is expected to be the most advantageous strategy in terms of overall genetic fitness.

To understand how the survival of males after the production of young affects the optimal sex ratio, we can refer to the theory of optimal sex ratios in evolutionary biology. This theory aims to explain the proportion of males to females in a population, which is known as the sex ratio.

The optimal sex ratio theory suggests that the sex ratio within a population evolves to a point where each sex has an equal expected reproductive success. This means that any deviation from a 50:50 sex ratio should be due to some specific advantages or disadvantages of producing individuals of a particular sex.

The assumptions of this theory typically include:

1. Equal investment in offspring: It assumes that both males and females contribute equally to the production and care of offspring.

2. Variance in reproductive success: It assumes that individuals vary in their reproductive success, meaning that some individuals have more offspring than others.

3. Equal mating opportunities: It assumes that individuals have equal access to mates and can potentially mate with any member of the opposite sex.

By manipulating these assumptions, we can observe how the predictions of the theory change. For example:

- If the assumption of equal investment in offspring is violated, meaning one sex invests more than the other, it can lead to a skewed sex ratio. For instance, if one sex requires more time and energy in caring for young, it might be advantageous for the other sex to produce fewer offspring and result in a biased sex ratio.

- If the assumption of variance in reproductive success is removed, meaning all individuals have equal reproductive success, the theory predicts an equal sex ratio (50:50) regardless of the investment each sex puts into reproduction.

Now, addressing the basic sex ratio theory, it suggests that in a panmictic population (where random mating occurs across the entire population), the sex ratio is expected to evolve to 50:50. This is because, in such a population, all individuals have an equal chance of mating with any other individual, and therefore, natural selection will favor an equal representation of both sexes.

It is important to note that the optimal sex ratio theory is not a "one-size-fits-all" concept and can be influenced by various factors, such as ecological conditions, mating systems, and social dynamics. Therefore, deviations from a 50:50 sex ratio can occur in real-world populations due to different evolutionary pressures acting on specific species or populations.