A rubber ball filled with air has a diameter of 25.0 cm and a mass of 0.540 kg. What force is requiered to hold the ball in equilibrium immediately below the surface of water in a swimming pool?

Start equation out by using sumF = ma
Answer is 74.9 N
I just need to know how to work it and start it out.

force bouyance= weight+ forceholdingit down.

bouyancy is the weight of the water it displaces, or densitywater*g*volume or
= 4/3 PI r^2 * density water*g

where density water is in kg/m^3, r is in meters, SI throughout.

Ok cool thanks! Is there anyway to start the equation out with sumF = ma though? That is what my teacher stated to do on the paper.

Since the ball is being held, it is not accelerating. Therefore a = 0

That leads to
sumF = 0

Then follow BobPursley's advice

Alrighty sounds good. Got it. THx

To find the force required to hold the ball in equilibrium below the water surface, we need to consider the buoyant force acting on the ball and the gravitational force acting on the ball.

Step 1: Determine the gravitational force acting on the ball.
The gravitational force can be calculated using the equation F = mg, where F is the force, m is the mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximated as 9.8 m/s²).
Fgrav = (0.540 kg)(9.8 m/s²)
Fgrav = 5.292 N

Step 2: Determine the buoyant force acting on the ball.
The buoyant force can be calculated using the equation Fbuoyant = ρ * g * V, where Fbuoyant is the buoyant force, ρ is the density of the surrounding fluid, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and V is the volume of the object submerged.
To find the volume of the ball submerged in the water, we need to calculate the volume of the whole ball and subtract the volume of the empty space within the ball.

The volume of the whole ball can be calculated using the equation Vball = (4/3) * π * r³, where Vball is the volume of the ball and r is the radius of the ball (which is half of the diameter).
r = (25.0 cm) / 2 = 12.5 cm = 0.125 m
Vball = (4/3) * π * (0.125 m)³
Vball = 0.00131 m³

To calculate the volume of the empty space within the ball, we can subtract the volume of the rubber material from the volume of the ball. Let's assume a density of rubber to be 1,000 kg/m³ (actual density may vary).
Vempty = Vball - (m / ρ)
Vempty = 0.00131 m³ - (0.540 kg / 1,000 kg/m³)
Vempty = 0.00077 m³

Now that we have the volume of the ball submerged in water, we can calculate the buoyant force.
Fbuoyant = ρwater * g * Vsub
The density of water is approximately 1,000 kg/m³.
Fbuoyant = (1,000 kg/m³) * (9.8 m/s²) * 0.00131 m³
Fbuoyant = 12.018 N

Step 3: Calculate the force required to hold the ball in equilibrium.
Since the ball is in equilibrium, the force required to hold it in place is equal to the sum of the buoyant force and the gravitational force.
Fnet = Fbuoyant + Fgrav
Fnet = 12.018 N + 5.292 N
Fnet = 17.310 N

Therefore, the force required to hold the rubber ball in equilibrium below the surface of water in a swimming pool is approximately 17.310 N (or 17.3 N).