Write a statement that passes the value 4 to the function below and assign it's return value to the variable result. Thank You.

int cube(int num)
return num*num*num;

The given function is of (return) type int, and takes a single argument of int. So if the return value is to be stored, it should be stored in an int variable.

The variable name should start with an alpha character, followed by other optional characters. Note that in C++, variable names are case-sensitive.

Do not forget the ";" at the end of the statement.

int a3=cube(4);

To pass the value 4 to the function `cube(int num)` and assign its return value to the variable `result`, you would do the following:

int result = cube(4);

In this statement, the `4` is passed as an argument to the `cube()` function. The function then calculates the cube of the passed value (4 * 4 * 4 = 64) and returns it. Finally, the returned value (64) is assigned to the variable `result`.

To pass the value 4 to the function and assign its return value to the variable `result`, you can follow these steps:

1. Declare a variable named `result` of type `int` to store the return value.
2. Call the `cube` function with the argument `4`.
3. Assign the return value of the function to the `result` variable.

Here is the code to accomplish this:

int result; // Step 1: Declare the variable 'result'

result = cube(4); // Step 2 and 3: Call the 'cube' function with the argument '4' and assign the return value to 'result'

After executing this code, the value returned by the `cube` function (64, since 4*4*4 = 64) will be stored in the `result` variable.