colonialism in the congo: Conquest, conflict and commerce

study guide part 2

What is the question??

How did King Leopold develop his image as a great humanitarian leader?

In order to understand colonialism in the Congo, here are some key points to consider within the context of conquest, conflict, and commerce:

1. Conquest: Colonial powers sought to conquer territories for political, economic, and ideological reasons. The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 divided Africa among European powers, leading to the colonization of the Congo by Belgium's King Leopold II.

2. Conflict: The colonization of the Congo resulted in various conflicts. One significant event was the Congo Free State period (1885-1908), during which King Leopold II exploited the region and subjected the Congolese people to forced labor and atrocities.

3. Commerce: The Congo's natural resources, including rubber, ivory, and minerals, attracted commercial interests. European companies and individuals exploited these resources for profit, further contributing to the suffering of the Congolese people.

To create a study guide based on these concepts, you can include the following:

A. Historical background:
1. Describe the outcome of the Berlin Conference and its impact on the colonization of Africa.
2. Explain King Leopold II's role in the colonization of the Congo and the establishment of the Congo Free State.

B. Conquest:
1. Discuss the motivations behind European powers' quest for African territories.
2. Analyze the methods used by colonial powers to establish control over the Congo.

C. Conflict:
1. Explore the atrocities committed during the Congo Free State period and their impact on the Congolese population.
2. Discuss the resistance movements and uprisings against colonial rule in the Congo.

D. Commerce:
1. Investigate the exploitation of the Congo's resources by European companies.
2. Analyze the economic impact of colonialism on the Congo and its people.

E. Overall impact:
1. Assess the long-term consequences of colonialism in the Congo, including political, economic, and social effects.
2. Examine the legacy of colonialism in the Congo and its influence on contemporary issues.

By covering these topics and asking questions related to each, you can create a comprehensive study guide that explores the different aspects of colonialism in the Congo. Remember to encourage critical thinking and independent research to deepen the students' understanding.