1. Do not make repairs on the brakes yourself.

2.Maura said that the word lassco comes from a Spanish word that means "snare".
3. The Cherokee Phoenix was the first newspaper printed in an American Indian language.

Identify the prepositional phrase and then identify its object

1.on the brakes-brakes
2.from a Spanish word-word
3.in an American Indian language-language

Absolutely right!

1. The prepositional phrase in sentence 1 is "on the brakes," and its object is "brakes."

To identify the prepositional phrase, look for a word that shows a relationship between other words in the sentence. In this case, the word is "on." Then, determine what the preposition is referring to, which is the object. In this case, the object is "brakes" because it is what the preposition "on" is indicating.

2. The prepositional phrase in sentence 2 is "from a Spanish word," and its object is "word."

To identify the prepositional phrase, look for a word that shows a relationship between other words in the sentence. In this case, the word is "from." Then, determine what the preposition is referring to, which is the object. In this case, the object is "word" because it is what the preposition "from" is indicating.

3. The prepositional phrase in sentence 3 is "in an American Indian language," and its object is "language."

To identify the prepositional phrase, look for a word that shows a relationship between other words in the sentence. In this case, the word is "in." Then, determine what the preposition is referring to, which is the object. In this case, the object is "language" because it is what the preposition "in" is indicating.