About 47 years to about 77 years. Find the percent of increase to the nearest percent.

would the answer be 64%?

77 - 47 = 30

30/47 = 0.638 = 64%


Good job Lilly!!

To find the percent of increase, you need to calculate the difference between the two values and divide it by the original value. Then multiply the result by 100 to find the percentage.

In this case, the original value is 47 years and the final value is 77 years. To find the difference, subtract the original value from the final value: 77 - 47 = 30.

Next, divide the difference (30) by the original value (47): 30 / 47 = 0.6383 (rounded to four decimal places).

Finally, multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage: 0.6383 * 100 ≈ 63.83, which rounds to 64%.

So, the percent of increase, to the nearest percent, would be 64%, not 63%.