Fill in the blank...

a. The alphabet we use today is based on the one conceived by the ancient ______ of the eastern Mediterranean.

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To fill in the blank, we need to know which ancient civilization is being referred to in the question. The key phrase to focus on is "ancient of the eastern Mediterranean."

To find the answer, we can break down the question into smaller parts and search for information using reliable sources such as history books, encyclopedias, or reputable websites.

1. Ancient civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean: The eastern Mediterranean is known for being home to several ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Sumerians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans.

2. Alphabet: The term "alphabet" refers to a system of writing where individual symbols represent specific sounds. The ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, and Greeks are known to have developed early forms of writing.

3. Considering the timeframe and influence: The Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations were active much earlier than the ancient Greeks and Phoenicians, so they can be eliminated as options. The Phoenicians were discoverers of many important alphabets, including the one that directly influenced the modern Latin alphabet. However, the question specifically refers to the alphabet we use today, so ancient Greece is the more likely answer.

Therefore, the most suitable answer to fill in the blank would be "Greeks." The alphabet conceived by the ancient Greeks heavily influenced the modern alphabet we use today.