Whow is the iliad times?

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How was the iliad time and when it was?

The Iliad was an oral story told for hundreds of years in ancient Greece. It was finally written down about 1000 B.C.

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I think you are asking about the time period in which the events of the epic poem called "The Iliad" take place. "The Iliad" is an ancient Greek epic poem attributed to the poet Homer. It tells the story of the Trojan War, a legendary conflict between the Greeks and the Trojans.

To determine the time period of "The Iliad," we need to consider both the historical and the literary aspects. Historically, the Trojan War is believed to have occurred around the late Bronze Age, possibly in the 12th or 13th century BCE. However, it's important to note that the exact time and details of the war are still debated among scholars.

In terms of the literary aspects, "The Iliad" was composed and written down by Homer, who is believed to have lived around the 8th century BCE. It is important to mention that the oral tradition of storytelling was predominant during that time, and it is likely that "The Iliad" was originally passed down orally before being recorded in written form.

So, to summarize, the events depicted in "The Iliad" take place during the legendary Trojan War, which is believed to have occurred in the late Bronze Age. The poem itself was composed and recorded in writing by Homer around the 8th century BCE.