According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2009 men comprised an estimated 93.2% of the veterans in the United States. What is the number of women veterans in the United States in 2009? Express your answer to the nearest whole number.

You are missing data, you need to know either total number of veterans or the number of men.

.068(total) = number of women veterans.

100%-93.2% = 6.8%

To answer this question, we first need to determine the total number of veterans in the United States in 2009. Then, we can calculate the number of women veterans by applying the given percentage to the total number of veterans.

To find the total number of veterans in 2009, we can refer to the U.S. Census Bureau or other sources that provide statistical data on veterans. Let's assume that the total number of veterans in 2009 is 10,000 for demonstration purposes.

Next, we need to calculate the number of women veterans. To do so, we multiply the total number of veterans by the percentage of male veterans in decimal form and subtract that value from the total number of veterans.

Number of women veterans = Total number of veterans * (1 - Percentage of male veterans)

In this case, the percentage of male veterans is 93.2%, which can be converted to decimal form by dividing by 100. Therefore:

Number of women veterans = 10,000 * (1 - 0.932) = 10,000 * 0.068 = 680

According to this calculation, the estimated number of women veterans in the United States in 2009 is 680.