I am looking for some great, useful sights on Walt Disney for a biography I am working on. Please and thank you.

Here are sites that will provide you with that information.

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Thanks very much for all those sites GuruBlue and Ms. Sue! I have more than enough to work with now, thanks so much!

You're welcome. Enjoy your research. :-)

Certainly! When conducting research for a biography on Walt Disney, there are several great and useful resources you can utilize. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started:

1. Books: A comprehensive biography of Walt Disney can provide in-depth information about his life and achievements. Consider reading reputable biographies written by notable authors such as "Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination" by Neal Gabler or "Walt Disney: The Man Behind the Magic" by Diane Disney Miller.

2. Online Archives: Several online archives and databases are dedicated to preserving and providing access to primary and secondary materials related to Walt Disney. The Walt Disney Archives website is an excellent resource that contains a vast collection of photographs, documents, videos, and other historical artifacts.

3. Documentaries and Films: Watching documentaries and films about Walt Disney can provide visual and audio insights into his life and legacy. Consider watching documentaries like "Walt Disney: Part of the American Experience" or "Walt: The Man Behind the Myth" to gain a deeper understanding of his contributions to the entertainment industry.

4. Interviews and Oral Histories: Seek out interviews and oral histories with individuals who knew or worked with Walt Disney. These firsthand accounts can provide unique perspectives and personal anecdotes. Websites like the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences or the Walt Disney Family Museum might have interviews or recordings of people associated with Walt Disney.

5. Museums and Exhibitions: Visit museums or exhibitions dedicated to Walt Disney and his work. The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco, California, offers an immersive experience showcasing his life and career. Additionally, the Walt Disney Hometown Museum in Marceline, Missouri, provides insights into Disney's early years.

Remember, it's always important to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and obtain a well-rounded view of Walt Disney's life and accomplishments. Happy researching and good luck with your biography writing!