What are ten land biomes and animals that live in each one?




To determine ten different land biomes and the animals that inhabit them, a common approach is to refer to established sources such as textbooks, research articles, or educational websites. One reputable source is the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) website, which provides information on land biomes and their characteristic fauna. Here are ten land biomes and some representative animals found in each:

1. Tropical Rainforest:
- Animals: Toucans, jaguars, gorillas, anacondas, poison dart frogs.

2. Desert:
- Animals: Camels, scorpions, kangaroo rats, burrowing owls, fennec foxes.

3. Grassland/Savanna:
- Animals: Zebras, lions, wildebeests, elephants, cheetahs.

4. Temperate Deciduous Forest:
- Animals: Deer, black bears, grey wolves, red foxes, squirrels.

5. Taiga/Boreal Forest:
- Animals: Moose, reindeer, wolverine, lynx, snowshoe hare.

6. Tundra:
- Animals: Arctic foxes, polar bears, musk oxen, snowy owls, caribou.

7. Mediterranean Scrubland:
- Animals: Iberian lynx, European rabbit, griffon vulture, tortoises, wild boar.

8. Desert Scrubland:
- Animals: Gila monsters, roadrunners, coyotes, kangaroo mice, jackrabbits.

9. Alpine:
- Animals: Marmots, mountain goats, golden eagles, chamois, snow leopards.

10. Coastal/Marine:
- Animals: Seals, penguins, sea turtles, dolphins, pelicans.

Remember, the classification of biomes and the specific animals found within them can vary depending on the sources consulted.