To determine whether a relation is a function, follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the concept of a function. A function is a relationship between two sets, where each input value (x) is associated with only one output value (y).

Step 2: Identify the given relation. The relation may be given as a set of ordered pairs, a table of values, a graph, or as an equation.

Step 3: Check for repeated x-values. Look at the x-values in the relation. If any x-value is repeated, the relation is not a function. This is because each x-value should only be associated with a single y-value.

Step 4: Determine if multiple y-values are associated with a single x-value. If an x-value is associated with multiple y-values, the relation is not a function. Each x-value should only have one corresponding y-value.

Step 5: Analyze the given relation using different representations:

- Graph: Look at the graph of the relation. If any vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point, the relation is not a function. This is known as the vertical line test.

- Table: Examine the table of values. If any x-value is repeated in the first column, or if there are different y-values for the same x-value, the relation is not a function.

- Equation: Solve the equation for y. If the equation contains a squared or higher power term for x, or if it contains a radical with an even index, the graph of the equation will not pass the vertical line test, indicating that the relation is not a function.

By following these steps, you can determine whether a given relation is a function or not.

To determine whether a relation is a function, you need to analyze the mapping between the elements of the domain and the elements of the range. Here are the steps to determine if a given relation is a function:

1. Understand the definition of a function: In mathematics, a function is a rule that assigns each element from the domain to exactly one element in the range. This means that every element in the domain must have a unique corresponding element in the range.

2. Identify the domain and range of the relation: The domain is the set of all possible input values or independent variables, while the range is the set of all resulting output values or dependent variables.

3. Analyze the mapping: Look at each element in the domain and see if it maps to multiple elements in the range. If an element in the domain has more than one corresponding element in the range, the relation is not a function.

4. Consider vertical line test: Another way to determine if a relation is a function is by using the vertical line test. Draw a vertical line through the graph of the relation. If the line intersects the graph in more than one place, the relation is not a function.

5. Verify with a mapping diagram or table: To make the analysis easier, you can create a mapping diagram or table with the domain elements on one side and their corresponding range elements on the other side. Check for repetitions or multiple entries. If two or more domain elements map to the same range element, the relation is not a function.

6. Use the arrow notation: In some cases, if the relation is given using arrows, check if any element in the domain has multiple arrows pointing to different elements in the range. If so, it implies that the relation is not a function.

By following these steps, you can determine whether a given relation is a function or not.

First, please do not use all capitals. Online it is like SHOUTING. Not only is it rude, but it is harder to understand. Thank you.

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