heres another the last part.

Classify as Simple, compound, complex or compound complex.

complex-13) The burden of proof should be reversed; that is, no one should be allowed to release any substance into the air until it is proved harmless.

compound-14) This principle is used in the case of drugs and food additives, and Dr. Slavin recommends it for the control of our air.

compound complex- 15) After all, as he points out, the principle can be considered even more logical for air than for food and drugs.

compound-16) We have a wide range of choice in foods and drugs but little choice in air

complex-17) Certainly one thing to be cultivated in the fight against air pollution is greenery, since it gives off oxygen.

compound complex-18) Grass alone on a small plot of ground, fifty by fifty feet, gives off enough oxygen to meet the needs of a family of four.

complex-19) Because of the oxygen-producing ability of green things, it is not facetious to recommend the planting of even one tree.

compound-20) We must preserve our parks and open spaces, and we must suppor the development of even more areas of greenery.

compound complex-21) The council on Environmental Quality recommends that cities build rapid-transit systems not only to eliminate traffic congestion and automobile exhausts but also to provide more space for trees and grass.

compound022) An asphalt campground is not a satisfactory substitute for forest, and a concrete playground is quit different from grassy field.

compound-23) There are many approaches to air pollution, then, and no one of them is cure-all.

simple-24) People must work as individuals and in groups to control air pollution.

25) We do not want to witness a disappearance of blue skies, nor do we want to have to war gas masks to survive.



15)compound complex



18)compound complex



21)compound complex





You're getting the hang of these sentences. :-)

The only sentences you have wrong are: 13, 15, 16, 18, 21

Be sure you know the difference between a phrase and a clause.


21)compound complex

13. No. It has two verbs.

15. Right.

16. Right.

18. Right

21. No. I see only one independent clause.

To classify the sentences as simple, compound, complex, or compound complex, you need to analyze the structure and the relationships between the clauses in each sentence.

Here is an explanation of the classifications for each sentence:

13) The burden of proof should be reversed; that is, no one should be allowed to release any substance into the air until it is proved harmless.
- This sentence is complex. It consists of two independent clauses joined by a semicolon and a dependent clause introduced by "that".

14) This principle is used in the case of drugs and food additives, and Dr. Slavin recommends it for the control of our air.
- This sentence is compound. It consists of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "and".

15) After all, as he points out, the principle can be considered even more logical for air than for food and drugs.
- This sentence is compound complex. It consists of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "and", and a dependent adverbial clause introduced by "as".

16) We have a wide range of choice in foods and drugs but little choice in air.
- This sentence is compound. It consists of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "but".

17) Certainly one thing to be cultivated in the fight against air pollution is greenery, since it gives off oxygen.
- This sentence is complex. It consists of one independent clause and one dependent clause introduced by "since".

18) Grass alone on a small plot of ground, fifty by fifty feet, gives off enough oxygen to meet the needs of a family of four.
- This sentence is compound complex. It consists of two independent clauses joined by a comma, and a dependent adverbial clause introduced by "to meet".

19) Because of the oxygen-producing ability of green things, it is not facetious to recommend the planting of even one tree.
- This sentence is complex. It consists of one independent clause and one dependent clause introduced by "because".

20) We must preserve our parks and open spaces, and we must support the development of even more areas of greenery.
- This sentence is compound. It consists of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "and".

21) The Council on Environmental Quality recommends that cities build rapid-transit systems not only to eliminate traffic congestion and automobile exhausts but also to provide more space for trees and grass.
- This sentence is compound complex. It consists of an independent clause and a dependent clause introduced by "that", and two dependent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "but also".

22) An asphalt campground is not a satisfactory substitute for a forest, and a concrete playground is quite different from a grassy field.
- This sentence is compound. It consists of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "and".

23) There are many approaches to air pollution, then, and no one of them is a cure-all.
- This sentence is compound. It consists of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "and".

24) People must work as individuals and in groups to control air pollution.
- This sentence is simple. It consists of one independent clause.

25) We do not want to witness a disappearance of blue skies, nor do we want to have to wear gas masks to survive.
- This sentence is compound. It consists of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "nor".