· Identify two different points of view for the topic from the list in Appendix B that you have chosen. Choose the point of view you will use in your paper and explain why you have chosen it.

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To identify two different points of view for the topic from Appendix B, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Start by reviewing the list of topics provided in Appendix B. Look for a topic that interests you and that has different points of view associated with it.

2. Once you have chosen a topic, examine the different points of view related to that topic listed in Appendix B. These points of view might be in the form of statements or arguments.

3. Identify two distinct points of view from the list. They should represent different perspectives or opinions on the chosen topic.

4. Consider the reasons or arguments presented in each point of view. Reflect on what each perspective brings to the discussion.

5. Evaluate which point of view aligns more closely with your own beliefs, values, or experiences. Consider which perspective resonates with you personally.

6. Finally, choose the point of view you will use in your paper. Explain why you have selected this particular perspective. It could be because of your personal beliefs, the strength of the arguments presented, or the extent to which it aligns with existing research or evidence.

Remember to provide clear and logical reasoning for your choice of point of view in your paper. Provide evidence, examples, and explanations to support your decision.