create a college that shows how ancient greek culture is reflected in modern-day society.

This site should get you started.

To create a college course that demonstrates how ancient Greek culture is reflected in modern-day society, you could follow these steps:

Step 1: Research and gather information:
- Begin by examining various aspects of ancient Greek culture, such as literature, philosophy, art, and politics.
- Explore modern-day society and identify areas where Greek influence can be observed, such as language, government, democracy, sports, architecture, and education.
- Collect relevant examples, anecdotes, and case studies that highlight the influence of ancient Greek culture in the modern world.

Step 2: Define the course structure and objectives:
- Determine the course duration, number of classes, and the level of students (e.g., undergraduate, graduate).
- Clearly define the learning objectives, ensuring they align with the course title of "Ancient Greek Culture in Modern Society."
- Create a syllabus that outlines the topics to be covered, including specific areas of Greek culture and their reflections in modern society.

Step 3: Design instructional material and activities:
- Develop lectures and presentations that provide an overview of ancient Greek culture and the connections to modern-day society.
- Use multimedia resources, such as images, videos, and audio clips, to engage students and make the content more relatable.
- Include case studies, discussions, and debates to encourage critical thinking and active participation.
- Assign readings from both ancient Greek texts (e.g., Plato, Aristotle, Homer) and modern commentaries or articles discussing Greek influences.

Step 4: Plan assessments and assignments:
- Design assessments that evaluate students' knowledge and understanding of the material, such as quizzes, exams, and essays.
- Encourage research projects or presentations on specific topics related to Greek culture and its manifestations in modern society.
- Incorporate group activities or debates where students analyze and present their findings to foster collaboration and critical analysis.

Step 5: Encourage participation and engagement:
- Engage students by creating an interactive learning environment. Utilize technology platforms or discussion forums for students to share thoughts, questions, and relevant resources.
- Organize field trips to museums or cultural events that showcase Greek artifacts or performances.
- Invite guest speakers, such as experts in Greek culture or professionals from fields heavily influenced by ancient Greece (e.g., philosophy, architecture).

Remember, this is a general guide to help you create a course that explores the reflection of ancient Greek culture in modern-day society. Make sure to adapt and tailor it based on your specific college's requirements, resources, and curriculum guidelines.