Okay, is a Internal Fracture a fracture that doen't involve surgery...or is that a External?

Internal means inside. External means outside. The only fractures I know of that might involve surgery are broken bones. Since bones are inside our bodies, all bone fractures are internal. Most are simple fractures. Sometimes, though, a bone is broken with such force that one end of the bone protrudes through the skin; that's called a compound fracture.

Surgery is required for compound fractures. However, often doctors will perform surgery on simple fractures to place a metal rod along the fracture to keep it in place while the tissue heals.


An internal fracture refers to a bone fracture that occurs within the body, typically involving the interior structure of the bone itself. On the other hand, an external fracture refers to a fracture that involves the bones breaking through the skin, leading to an open wound. It is important to note that whether a fracture requires surgery or not depends on various factors like the severity and location of the fracture, rather than whether it is an internal or external fracture. If you suspect you have a fracture, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional who can evaluate your injury and determine the best course of treatment, which may or may not involve surgery.