Can some please help with these questions. I just want to make sure I am on the right path.

1. Our frame of reference. a. definitely makes us objective and open-minded b. stops us from having obstacles in our approach to reading, c. limits how we view the world , and comprehend meaning. I think this is c. because everyone think differently.

2.Written text that has numerous connotative words and phrases probably will have the primary purpose of a. information, b. persuasion,c. entertainment. I think this is B

3.When we recognize the word junker suggests something negative we are analyzing its a. spelling, b. connotation, c. denotation. I think this is B is this right!

4.An essential characteristic of the news is the spin which is, A. the technological constraint. b. the cost of the adertisements, c. The interpretation done by the jounalists. I think this is the right

5.When we have strong feelings about the issues we are reading about we must work harder to be, a. judgmental, b. subjective,c. objective. I think this is b. is this right

6.An argument is illogical when, a. there is only onve conclusion, b. the conclusion is improperly drawn from the premises,c. there are no signal words. I think this is c. is this right

Re-think 5 and 6. All the others are fine.

Thank you so much Writeacher I re-read my book and i think I came up with the correct answers for 5 and 6. c and b

1. You are correct, the answer is c. Our frame of reference limits how we view the world and comprehend meaning because everyone thinks differently. To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the concept of a frame of reference and how it affects our perception and understanding of the world.

2. Well done, the answer is b. Written text that has numerous connotative words and phrases probably will have the primary purpose of persuasion. To answer this question, you should know the definitions of denotation (the literal or dictionary meaning of a word) and connotation (the emotional or cultural association that a word carries).

3. Yes, you are right. The answer is b. When we recognize the word "junker" suggests something negative, we are analyzing its connotation. To answer this question, you need to understand the difference between spelling, denotation, and connotation.

4. Correct, the answer is c. The essential characteristic of the news is the interpretation done by the journalists, which can introduce a certain bias or perspective known as "spin". To answer this question, you need to have a good understanding of what constitutes news and how it is presented.

5. Good job, the answer is b. When we have strong feelings about the issues we are reading about, we must work harder to be subjective. To answer this question, you need to understand the difference between being objective (unbiased) and subjective (influenced by personal emotions or opinions).

6. I'm sorry, but your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is b. An argument is illogical when the conclusion is improperly drawn from the premises. To arrive at this answer, you need to be familiar with the characteristics of logical arguments and how they are constructed.

Keep up the good work! Remember to review the concepts and explanations behind each question to reinforce your understanding.