Write five grammatically correct sentences about the role of time management in an academic environment, in which you correctly use a different verb tense

Once you have written your five sentences, please post them if you'd like someone here to check them.

Use the following tenses:

simple past
present perfect
present progressive

Study this section of this webpage if you need help identifying verb tenses.

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1. Effective time management skills have always played a vital role in an academic environment, ensuring students meet deadlines and achieve their academic goals.

Explanation: To use a different verb tense, present perfect tense is applied here (have played).

2. Time management will continue to be an essential aspect in an academic setting, as it promotes productivity and helps students balance their academic and personal life.
Explanation: Future tense is used here (will continue).

3. In the past, many students struggled with time management, resulting in poor academic performance and increased stress levels.
Explanation: Past tense is used here (struggled).

4. By properly managing their time, students can improve their overall academic performance, as they will have enough time to study, complete assignments, and prepare for exams.
Explanation: Present progressive tense is used here (managing).

5. The use of effective time management strategies in an academic environment has significantly impacted student success rates over the years.
Explanation: Present perfect tense is used here (has impacted).