How do I find the area of a 30 ft circle?

If 30 ft is the diameter, the area is

(pi/4)*D^2 = 706.9 ft^2
If 30 ft is the radius, the area is 4 times larger.

To find the area of a circle, you can use the formula A = πr², where A represents the area and r represents the radius of the circle. In your case, if the circle has a radius of 30 ft, you can substitute that value into the formula and calculate the area.

Here's how you can do it step-by-step:

1. Square the radius: Multiply the radius (30 ft) by itself. 30 ft x 30 ft = 900 ft².

2. Multiply by π: Multiply the value from step 1 by π, which is approximately 3.14. 900 ft² x 3.14 = 2826 ft².

So, the area of a 30 ft circle is approximately 2826 square feet.