on the "aster flower." What time of year might be symbolized by the aster flower and the other images of plant life found in the poem? How do these images contribute to the overall mood of the poem?

The only "aster flower" poem I know of is from the giant among men, Robert Frost.


Now there is a poem in German, by Gottfried Benn, but I am not certain you want it.

the aster flower symbolizes Fall, even late fall. Look at somber birds, withered weeds, a tree standing bear, the faded blue. What do you get from the mood? How has plant life been described during this time. BTW, my blue asters are still blooming, hanging on till a freeze.

yeah that's the problem i need help on too.

To determine the time of year that might be symbolized by the aster flower and other plant life in the poem and how these images contribute to the overall mood, we'll need to analyze the poem in question. Could you provide the poem or some lines from it for further assistance?

To determine the time of year symbolized by the aster flower and the other images of plant life in the poem, we need to carefully analyze the poem's language and context. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem attentively, focusing on any references to natural elements, particularly plants and flowers. Take note of specific details and imagery that might help in determining the season or time of year being symbolized.

2. Identify plant imagery: Look for any mentions of flowers, plants, or other vegetation in the poem. Note down the names of the plants and flowers mentioned, paying attention to any specific characteristics or associations attributed to them.

3. Research symbolic meanings: Once you have identified the names of the plants mentioned, conduct some research on their symbolic meanings. Explore different cultural, historical, and literary sources to gain insights into the traditional symbolism often associated with those plants.

4. Consider tone and mood: Examine the overall tone and mood of the poem. Are there any indicators of particular seasons or emotions that align with certain times of the year? Look for clues within the imagery itself, as well as the descriptions and emotions conveyed by the writer.

5. Connect symbolism and mood: Finally, draw connections between the symbolic meanings of the plants mentioned and the overall mood of the poem. Analyze how each image contributes to the atmosphere, emotions, or themes presented in the poem. Identify any patterns or contrasts that emerge from the use of these plant imagery, and consider how they shape the reader's interpretation.

By following these steps, you will be able to interpret the time of year symbolized by the aster flower and other plant images in the poem, as well as understand their contribution to the overall mood. Remember that the interpretation may vary based on the individual's analysis and perspective.