Data: (time, temperature in degrees Celsius)


First I had to graph these points on the graph paper provided, which I did. Then it asks to identify the freezing point, and label the intervals at which there are only solid, solid and liquid, and only liquid. I don't understand this, so please someone help.


It's asking to identify the freezing point of the particular substance (which I do not know) and label on the graph where it would be a frozen (a solid) or liquid

We're also not told the substance. Thanks for your help! The question was worded oddly :)

To identify the freezing point and label the intervals where there are only solid, solid and liquid, and only liquid, you need to understand the concept of the phase changes of matter.

In this temperature data, the freezing point is the temperature at which the substance transitions from a liquid state to a solid state. Based on the given data, we can see that the temperature starts at 89 degrees Celsius and gradually decreases over time.

To identify the freezing point, you should look for a significant drop in temperature that remains constant for a certain period. In this data set, we can observe that the temperature remains constant at 64 degrees Celsius from time 4 to time 9. This constant temperature indicates that the substance is in the process of freezing during this time interval.

Next, you need to label the intervals where there are only solid, solid and liquid, and only liquid.

From time 0 to time 4, the temperature is above 64 degrees Celsius, indicating that the substance is in a completely liquid state during this interval.

From time 4 to time 9, the temperature remains constant at 64 degrees Celsius. This shows that the substance is in a state of both solid and liquid (solid-liquid mixture) during this interval, which is the phase transition of freezing.

From time 9 to time 15, the temperature decreases further below 64 degrees Celsius. This indicates that the substance is in a completely solid state during this interval.

In summary:

- Intervals with only liquid: Time 0 to Time 4 (Temperature is above 64 degrees Celsius).
- Interval with both solid and liquid: Time 4 to Time 9 (Temperature remains constant at 64 degrees Celsius).
- Interval with only solid: Time 9 to Time 15 (Temperature is below 64 degrees Celsius).

By understanding the concept of freezing and the changes in temperature over time, you can identify the freezing point and label the intervals with different phases of matter.