a pieces of metal of mass 3.6kg is suspended from a spring balance, what is the reading of spring balance in newton, with a metal in air, with the metal in water, the metal in prime and what is the density in which it gives a reading of 33newton

M=3.6kg W=mg=36N

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To find the reading of the spring balance in different scenarios and the density of the metal, we need to apply the principles of buoyancy and Newton's laws of motion.

1. Reading of the spring balance with the metal in air:
When the metal is suspended in air, it experiences only the force of gravity acting on it. The reading of the spring balance will be equal to the weight of the metal, which can be calculated using the formula: Weight = mass × acceleration due to gravity.
Given that the mass of the metal is 3.6 kg and the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s^2, we can calculate the weight of the metal as follows: Weight = 3.6 kg × 9.8 m/s^2 = 35.28 N.
Therefore, the reading of the spring balance with the metal in air will be 35.28 Newtons.

2. Reading of the spring balance with the metal in water:
When the metal is fully submerged in water, it experiences an upward buoyant force in addition to the force of gravity. The reading of the spring balance will be equal to the difference between the weight of the metal in air and the buoyant force acting on it. The buoyant force can be calculated using the formula: Buoyant force = density of fluid × volume of object × acceleration due to gravity.
Since the density of water is approximately 1000 kg/m^3 and the acceleration due to gravity is still 9.8 m/s^2, we need to find the volume of the metal to calculate the buoyant force.
To determine the volume of the metal, we can use its mass and the density formula: Density = mass / volume.
Given that the mass of the metal is 3.6 kg, and let's assume its density is D kg/m^3:
D = 3.6 kg / volume
Solving for volume: volume = 3.6 kg / D
Now, substituting the value of the volume into the formula for the buoyant force, we get:
Buoyant force = 1000 kg/m^3 × (3.6 kg / D) × 9.8 m/s^2
The reading of the spring balance in water is the weight of the metal minus the buoyant force:
Reading = Weight - Buoyant force
= 35.28 N - 1000 kg/m^3 × (3.6 kg / D) × 9.8 m/s^2.

3. Reading of the spring balance with the metal in a liquid (other than water):
To calculate the reading in a different liquid, you'll need to use the same principle as in Step 2. Replace the density of water in the formula with the density of the liquid in which the metal is submerged.
Reading = Weight - (density of liquid × volume of object × acceleration due to gravity).

4. Density of the metal to give a reading of 33 Newtons:
To find the density of the metal that results in a specific reading on the spring balance (in this case, 33 N), we can rearrange the equation from Step 2:
Reading = Weight - (density of liquid × volume of object × acceleration due to gravity)
33 N = 35.28 N - (density of liquid × volume of object × 9.8 m/s^2)
Solving for the density of the liquid:
density of liquid = (35.28 N - 33 N) / (volume of object × 9.8 m/s^2)

It is important to note that to get more accurate readings, it is necessary to measure the volume of the object and consider the specific characteristics of the metal used.