How does the allylic halide behave under SN2 and SN1 conditions? Briefly explain why the allylic halide should be able to undergo both SN2 and SN1 mechanisms.

If this is any relevant to the question, we did an experiment on the SN1/SN2 reactivity of alkyl halides, using NaI in acetone mixture and AgNO3 in ethanol mixture for SN2 and SN1 reactions respectively. These were the halides used:

Allylic halides are halogenated hydrocarbons that have a halogen atom attached to a carbon atom that is next to a carbon-carbon double bond. This carbon atom is referred to as the allylic carbon. Due to the presence of the double bond, allylic halides exhibit unique reactivity under both SN2 (substitution nucleophilic bimolecular) and SN1 (substitution nucleophilic unimolecular) conditions.

Under SN2 conditions, which involve a one-step concerted mechanism, the nucleophile attacks the carbon atom containing the leaving group (halide), causing the bond between the carbon and the halide to break. In the case of allylic halides, the presence of the double bond allows the nucleophile to approach the electrophilic carbon from either side. This results in the formation of two possible stereoisomers, known as the E and Z isomers. Hence, allylic halides can undergo SN2 reactions with retention or inversion of stereochemistry.

Under SN1 conditions, which involve a two-step mechanism with the formation of a carbocation intermediate, the leaving group (halide) dissociates from the allylic carbon, forming a carbocation. The stability of the resulting carbocation plays a crucial role in determining the reactivity of allylic halides. The presence of the adjacent double bond in allylic halides stabilizes the carbocation through resonance. This resonance delocalization decreases the positive charge on the carbocation, making it more stable compared to a primary carbocation. Consequently, allylic halides can readily undergo SN1 reactions.

In your experiment, you have observed the SN2 reactivity of alkyl halides using NaI in acetone mixture and the SN1 reactivity using AgNO3 in ethanol mixture. Among the halides used, the allylic halides (bromocyclohexane, 2-chloro-2-methylpropane, 2-bromo-2-methylpropane) may have shown both SN2 and SN1 reactivity due to the presence of the allylic carbon. The other alkyl halides (1-bromobutane, 1-chlorobutane, 2-chlorobutane, 1-chloro-2-butene, bromocyclopentane) without a neighboring double bond would predominantly undergo SN2 reactions.

It is worth noting that while allylic halides can undergo both SN1 and SN2 reactions, the reaction conditions and reactants used can influence the preference for either mechanism.