help me find subjects and verbs in college sentences

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Sure! To identify subjects and verbs in college sentences, you need to understand the basics of sentence structure.

1. Understand what a subject and verb are:
- The subject is the person, thing, or idea that the sentence is about.
- The verb is the action or state of being that the subject performs or experiences.

2. Look for the subject:
- Identify the noun or pronoun in the sentence that is performing the action or experiencing the state of being.
- Subjects can be accompanied by additional words that describe or modify them.

3. Look for the verb:
- Identify the action or state of being that the subject is doing or experiencing.
- Verbs can be single words or verb phrases.

4. Pay attention to sentence structure:
- Keep in mind that subjects and verbs must agree in number and tense.
- Plural subjects usually take plural verbs, and singular subjects usually take singular verbs.
- Subjects and verbs should also match in tense: past, present, or future.

Here are a few examples to illustrate the process:

1. "The professor lectures in the classroom."
- Subject: "The professor" (noun phrase)
- Verb: "lectures"

2. "Students study different subjects."
- Subject: "Students"
- Verb: "study"

3. "They have been working on their assignment all night."
- Subject: "They"
- Verb: "have been working"

Remember, context is crucial for correctly identifying subjects and verbs, and language can have various complexities. By understanding the basics, you'll be better equipped to analyze sentences and identify subjects and verbs.