4. In the sentence "Paula nos dice la verdad."

(Paula tells the truth to us.) Is the "nos" a direct or indirect object pronoun? direct
8. Ya lo ___veo___ (ver), (I can see that)
Please re-write the following sentences (making them grammatically correct) adding an indirect object pronoun before the conjugated verb to represent the underlined indirect object, just as done in the example:

Maria da el regalo a nosotros .
Maria nos da el regalo.

14. Yo doy el libro a Ana.Yo doy el libro de Ana.

15. Sara manda la carta a Olivia. (Sara sends the letter to Olivia.)Sara envia una carta Olivia.

16. Tú regalas el perro a mí.Darle al perro que me
18. Mario ___e'l____ hablar mucho (a lot).

19. Alberto y yo viajamos (travel) mucho.Nosotros __conducimos_____ a Alemania y a Brazil.

4. If you have a good English class, with the difference between direct and indirect object pronouns, this will be easy to tell. Ask yourself the question:

What does Paula tell? The answer = the truth, gives you the DIRECT OBJECT.
Now, ask yourself the question: "TO WHOM?" TO US, gives you the indirect-object pronoun.

Actually you are now working with 3 types of ponouns. The direct-object (English = me, you, him, her, it, us, them, yo-all) plus the indirect-object pronoun. *****one of these words will either be stated or UNDERSTOOD, as in #4. TO, FOR, AT, FROM (me, you, him, her, it, us, them, you-all)

Is there any difference in the Spanish? Have a close look:
Direct Object = me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las
Indirect Object = me, te, le, nos, les

If you have gotten to double object pronouns in a sentence, the direct object goes directly in front of the conjugated verb (except in affirmative commands) and the indirect-object pronoun in front of it. Here is the word order: subject + indirect object + direct object + conjugated verb, as in:
Ella me lo da. = She to me it gives (literally)( but translated: She gives it to me.

IF the indirect-object pronoun is le or les and is followed by an "l" direct object (lo, la, los, las), it CHANGES to "se." Yo le doy la pluma. Yo se la doy.

Confused yet? Take one step at a time, because now we are adding the prepositional pronoun. That means the pronoun follows "de" (usually), a, por, para, etc. There is a list of prepositions but you don't need that now.
Back to number 4. "nos" is the indirect-object pronoun. If you don't see why, go back to the beginning of all this explanation.

#8. I have no idea why this is even there. It is NOT a model/example of what you are to do. Yo lo veo = I see you (or him, it = masculine singular noun) What you have in parentheses (I can see that = Yo puedo ver eso.) NOTHING matches with what you have.

Study the example again. This is what you are to do. YOU SEE: a mí, you WRITE me
a ti = te
a él/ella/usted = le
a nosotros/nosotras = nos
a ellos/ellas/ustedes = les

14. Yo le doy el libro (a Ana clarifies the "le" since it could be to her, to him, to you WITHOUT SPELLING IT OUT, as a Ana has to be "to her."

15. Look at the insntructions again = an indirect object pronoun in front of the conjuaged verb. You don't even supply one. What is the correct answer?
Sara LE manda la carta a Olivia.

16. Notice that most of the sentence stays the same as the basic sentence. You are only adding the indirect object.
Tú me regalas el perro a mí.

18. I have no idea at all! I COULD goess: Mario talks to him a lot? = Mario le habla mucho a él. (but that is purely a guess)

19. PROBABLY it's "to those 2 places" if you are to do the same thing as above.
Nosotros les conducimos a Alemania y al Brasil. (the correct Spanish for Brazil is "el Brasil.")

Again, you'd best be asking lots of questions!


4. To determine whether "nos" in the sentence "Paula nos dice la verdad" is a direct or indirect object pronoun, we need to analyze the function it serves in the sentence. In this case, "nos" represents the indirect object, as it indicates to whom the truth is being told. The direct object in this sentence is "la verdad" (the truth). To confirm this, we can ask the question "¿A quién (to whom) Paula dice la verdad?" The answer would be "a nosotros" (to us), indicating that "nos" is an indirect object pronoun.

8. To rewrite the sentence "Ya lo veo" by adding an indirect object pronoun before the conjugated verb, we need to determine the indirect object. In this case, there is no indirect object indicated in the original sentence. However, if we want to add an indirect object pronoun, we can use "te" to represent "you" (informal singular). The revised sentence would be "Ya te lo veo" (I can see it already).

14. The sentence "Yo doy el libro a Ana" can be rewritten by adding an indirect object pronoun. The indirect object in this sentence is "Ana." To represent it, we can use the pronoun "le" which means "to her." The revised sentence would be "Yo le doy el libro a Ana."

15. The sentence "Sara manda la carta a Olivia" can be rewritten by adding an indirect object pronoun. The indirect object in this sentence is "Olivia." To represent it, we can use the pronoun "le" which means "to her." The revised sentence would be "Sara le manda la carta a Olivia."

16. The sentence "Tú regalas el perro a mí" can be rewritten by adding an indirect object pronoun. The indirect object in this sentence is "mí" which means "to me." To represent it, we can use the pronoun "me." The revised sentence would be "Tú me regalas el perro."

18. In the sentence "Mario e'l hablar mucho," there seems to be a typo or an error in the sentence structure. Assuming that it is supposed to say "Mario él habla mucho" (Mario talks a lot), there is no indirect object in this sentence. Therefore, there is no need to add an indirect object pronoun.

19. The sentence "Alberto y yo viajamos mucho" can be rewritten by adding an indirect object pronoun. The indirect object in this sentence is not explicitly stated. Assuming it refers to "us," we can use the pronoun "nosotros" as the indirect object pronoun. The revised sentence would be "Nosotros viajamos mucho a Alemania y a Brasil."