In the list of five measurements shown below, one is blurred. What must this value be, if the mean of the five measurements is 6? 8 5 10 3 #.

6 * 5 = 30

What number is missing?

Hi Ms. Sue. That is what I'm guessing I have to figure out. They say the median is 6. so out of 8 5 10 3 # I have to figure out what this (#) value is? I don't know if I should do the five number summary and box plot or just box plot??????

Do it whatever way your teacher wants.

Did you get the missing number for the mean?

no, I'm struggling with how to figure that out. That's where I am stuck

(8+5+10+3+x)/5 = 6

AWESOME! I put 6 in between 3 5 6 8 10 but I thought that was too simple.

It's not 6, Renee. You have to solve for x in the equation I made for you.


I got it finally. x=4

To find the blurred value, we need to calculate the mean of the given measurements. The mean is obtained by adding up all the values and then dividing the sum by the total number of values.

Let's calculate the mean of the given measurements:
8 + 5 + 10 + 3 + x = 6 * 5
26 + x = 30
x = 4.

Therefore, the blurred value must be 4 in order for the mean of the five measurements to be 6.