In most countries, what is the main responsibility of the government to create?

Probably laws and an effective way of enforcing them.

John Locke's works are interesting to read. Here's a webpage that explains sections of his writings:

'The great and chief end, therefore, of men's uniting into commonwealths, and putting themselves under government, is the preservation of their property.' He qualifies his theory of a Social Contract, Compact, or Covenant, by pointing out that 'men when they enter into society give up ... liberty of a kind; yet it being only with an intention in every one the better to preserve himself, his liberty and property,' the power conferred 'can never be supposed to extend farther than the common good, but is obliged to secure everyone's property,' ...

His view, basically, is that humans form governments by mutual agreements, giving up some natural liberties in return for protection.

Here's more about Locke; be sure to go into the External Links and further references at the bottom of the page.

It's a very interesting topic.


The main responsibility of the government in most countries is to create and maintain an environment that promotes the well-being and prosperity of its citizens. This includes a wide range of responsibilities, but some of the key areas where government intervention is common include:

1. Law and Order: Governments are responsible for maintaining law and order by establishing a legal framework, enforcing laws, and providing a justice system to ensure the safety and security of citizens.

2. Infrastructure: Governments play a crucial role in building and maintaining vital infrastructure such as roads, bridges, ports, airports, and utilities (like water and electricity) to facilitate economic growth and improve the quality of life for citizens.

3. Public Services: Governments provide essential public services like healthcare, education, social security, and welfare programs to ensure the well-being and social welfare of citizens.

4. Economic Management: Governments are responsible for creating and implementing economic policies to foster sustainable economic growth, regulate financial markets, and address issues like unemployment, inflation, and income inequality.

5. Environmental Protection: Governments have a responsibility to protect the environment by enacting policies and regulations to manage and conserve natural resources, control pollution, and address climate change.

To determine the specific responsibilities of the government in a particular country, it is important to refer to its constitution, laws, and governmental structure. Additionally, understanding the political system and the priorities of the ruling government can provide further insights.