After fixing a flat tire on a bicycle you give the wheel a spin.

(a) If its initial angular speed was 5.41 rad/s and it rotated 13.7 revolutions before coming to rest, what was its average angular acceleration?


where displacement = 13.7*2PI radians
wi=5.41 rad/sec, wf=0
solve for angular acceleration, in rad/s^2

13.7 * 2 pi = 86.08 radians total

average speed = 2.705 rad/s
so time to stop = 86.08/2.705 = 32.8 seconds

d = Vi t +(1/2) a t^2

86.08 = 5.41 (32.8) +.5 a (32.8)^2

86.08 = 172 + 538 a

-86 = 538 a

a = - 0.16 rad/s^2

Well, you know what they say, "spinning wheels go 'round and 'round, until they come to a stop on the ground!" Let's calculate the average angular acceleration of this joyride.

To find the average angular acceleration, we need to know the change in angular velocity and the time taken. We are given the initial angular velocity (ωi = 5.41 rad/s) and the number of revolutions (N = 13.7) before the wheel comes to rest.

First, let's convert the number of revolutions to radians:
1 revolution = 2π radians
So, 13.7 revolutions = 13.7 × 2π radians = 27.26π radians

Next, we need to find the final angular velocity (ωf) when the wheel comes to rest. Since it's at rest, ωf = 0.

Now, we can calculate the change in angular velocity:
Δω = ωf - ωi
Δω = 0 - 5.41 rad/s
Δω = -5.41 rad/s

Finally, let's calculate the average angular acceleration (α):
α = Δω / t
Since we're not given the time taken, we can't calculate the average angular acceleration without more information. Sorry to burst your tire-repairing bubble!

Keep pedaling and find the missing information to get the full picture!

To find the average angular acceleration, you can use the equation:

Average angular acceleration = (final angular velocity - initial angular velocity) / time

First, we need to convert the number of revolutions into radians. Since 1 revolution is equal to 2π radians, we can calculate the total angle covered:

Total angle covered = 13.7 revolutions * 2π radians/revolution

Next, we need to find the final angular velocity. Since the wheel comes to rest, the final angular velocity is 0.

Now, we can calculate the average angular acceleration:

Average angular acceleration = (0 - 5.41 rad/s) / time

To find the time, we need to know the duration it took for the wheel to come to rest, which is not provided in the problem statement.

To find the average angular acceleration, we need to know the initial angular speed, the number of revolutions, and the final angular speed. We already have the initial angular speed, which is 5.41 rad/s. We also know that it rotated 13.7 revolutions before coming to rest. In order to find the final angular speed, we need to calculate the total number of radians rotated.

The formula to convert revolutions to radians is:

radians = 2 * π * revolutions

Substituting the values we have, we get:

radians = 2 * π * 13.7

Now we can calculate the final angular speed using the formula:

final angular speed = initial angular speed + angular acceleration * time

Since we know it comes to rest, the final angular speed is 0 rad/s. We can rearrange the formula to solve for angular acceleration:

angular acceleration = (final angular speed - initial angular speed) / time

In this case, time refers to the time taken to rotate the given number of revolutions.

To calculate the time taken, we need to know the angular speed, the number of revolutions, and the time taken to complete those revolutions. Let's assume the time taken is T.

The formula to calculate the time is:

time = (2 * π * revolutions) / angular speed

Substituting the values we have:

time = (2 * π * 13.7) / 5.41

Now we can calculate the angular acceleration:

angular acceleration = (0 - 5.41) / ((2 * π * 13.7) / 5.41)

Simplifying, we get:

angular acceleration = -5.41 / (2 * π * 13.7)

Now we can calculate the value of the average angular acceleration.