Which of the following processes is achieved through osmosis?

To determine which of the following processes is achieved through osmosis, let's first understand what osmosis is. Osmosis is the movement of solvent molecules (usually water) across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration.

Now, let's consider the processes given and evaluate which one involves osmosis:

1. Passive transport: Passive transport includes simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion, where molecules move across a membrane without the need for energy. Osmosis is a type of passive transport, but it specifically refers to the movement of water molecules.

2. Active transport: Active transport requires energy to move molecules against a concentration gradient, typically from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration. This process does not involve osmosis.

3. Capillary filtration: Capillary filtration is a process where fluid is forced out of capillaries due to hydrostatic pressure. Although it involves the movement of fluids, it does not rely on a selectively permeable membrane like osmosis does.

4. Endocytosis: Endocytosis is the process by which cells take in substances by engulfing them with their cell membrane. It does not involve the movement of solvent molecules across a selectively permeable membrane, so it is not osmosis.

Based on the above explanations, it is clear that the process achieved through osmosis is Passive Transport.