A store that personalizes shirts chargers $20 for a shirt plus $.75 for each letter. Write an algebraic expression for the cost os "t" shirts using "n" letter each.

It would be T(n)=20+.75n

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To write an algebraic expression for the cost of "t" shirts with "n" letters each, we first need to determine the cost of one shirt with "n" letters.

Given that the store charges $20 for a shirt plus $0.75 for each letter, we can express the cost of one shirt with "n" letters as follows:

Cost of one shirt with "n" letters = $20 + $0.75n

To find the cost of "t" shirts, we simply multiply the cost of one shirt with "n" letters by the number of shirts, "t". Therefore, the algebraic expression for the cost of "t" shirts with "n" letters each is:

Cost of "t" shirts = t * ( $20 + $0.75n )