The diagram shows part of a regular polygon. work out how many sides the polygon has. (it is 156 degrees).


To determine the number of sides in a regular polygon given an interior angle, you can use the formula:

n = 360 / A,

where n represents the number of sides and A represents the measure of the interior angle of the regular polygon.

In this case, we know the interior angle is 156 degrees. Plugging this value into the formula, we get:

n = 360 / 156,

Evaluating the expression gives:

n ≈ 2.308,

Since the number of sides must be a whole number for a regular polygon, we need to round the result to the nearest whole number. By rounding to the nearest whole number, we find that the polygon has 2 sides.

However, it is important to note that a regular polygon cannot have fewer than 3 sides. Therefore, if we encounter a situation where the rounded result is less than 3, we know that the given angle does not correspond to a regular polygon. In this case, the given angle of 156 degrees does not represent a valid regular polygon.