In the united states about one person in eight lives in Califonia. To the nearest percent, what percent of people in the united states live in California?

You just do 1/8 to find the percentage.

= 12.5 %?


To find the percentage of people in the United States who live in California, we can use a simple formula:

Percentage = (Number of people in California / Total number of people in the United States) * 100

In this case, we'll need two pieces of information: the number of people in California and the total number of people in the United States.

According to the question, one person in eight lives in California. This means that if we divide the total population of the United States by 8, we'll get the number of people living in California.

Let's assume the total population of the United States is X. Therefore, the number of people living in California would be X/8.

Now, to find the percentage, we'll divide the number of people in California (X/8) by the total number of people in the United States (X) and then multiply by 100.

Percentage = (X/8) / X * 100

Simplifying the expression, we have:

Percentage = 1/8 * 100

Percentage = 12.5%

So, approximately 12.5% of people in the United States live in California.