25. is 16 a prime number? why or why not? 27. which of these numbers is a factor of 12? A 0 B 6 C 8 D 24

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16 is NOT prime because there are many numbers that 16 is divisible by.

for your second question, figure out which number goes into 12. The answer would be 6

yes its 6

To determine if 16 is a prime number, we need to check if it has any factors other than 1 and itself. The easiest way to find the factors of a number is by dividing it by prime numbers up to its square root.

Step 1: Start by finding the square root of 16. The square root of 16 is 4.

Step 2: Test prime numbers up to 4 (2 and 3) as potential factors of 16.

- Divide 16 by 2. The result is 8.
- Divide 16 by 3. The result is not a whole number.

Since 16 is divisible by a number other than 1 and itself (8), it is not a prime number.

Now, moving on to the second question: "Which of these numbers is a factor of 12: 0, 6, 8, or 24?"

To find the factors of 12, we need to check which numbers can be divided evenly into 12, resulting in a whole number.

- Divide 12 by 0. Division by 0 is undefined because you cannot divide by zero.
- Divide 12 by 6. The result is 2.
- Divide 12 by 8. The result is not a whole number.
- Divide 12 by 24. The result is not a whole number.

The only number from the options provided that is a factor of 12 is 6 (option B).