I forgot to include these sentences.

I really hope you can look at them, too.
1)I’ve never played any digital games on my cell phone but I could. I can’t surf the net at school but we use a drawing programme called Autocad during our design and technology classes.
2)My cell phone has got a lot of functions. It has a digital camera, a video-recorder, an FM radio and an MP3 player.
3)I prefer listening to music on my I-pad than on my cell phone because it can store more music and the sound quality is better.
4) I spend less than 2 Euros a week on my phone calls. I pay 2 Euros a week for (?) my phone calls. I have got a very cheap telephone contract (?). I can call two numbers at my choice at any time for just 2 Euros a week.
5) I hope you had nice holidays in Spain and that everything is OK with you now.
6) You'll have to go down the escalator, check in (punch your ticket) and find a seat on the train.
7) On which carriage is your seat?
What seat number have you got? Which is the quickest way to get to Waterloo?
Change onto (?) the yellow line and get off at the third station.
8) Don't forget to put your suitcase in the luggage bay.
9) Can I have two return tickets to Waterloo, please? Are any reductions (? special rates) for students or families with children? You can get 10% off if you have a student's card.

1. Commas after "phone" and "school" - these are compound sentences and need that comma in there.

See #2.

2. Delete "got" - comma needed after "radio" These are the same types of errors I corrected earlier this afternoon. You need to get these things under control. See #1 in the comma use link above.

The rest are fine, but get rid of the question marks and double-check for commas needed for the above two reasons.

1) To include these sentences, you can simply copy and paste them into your original text or document. If you are writing them in an email or message, you can just add them as a separate paragraph or bullet point.

2) Adding functions to your cell phone is usually done through purchasing or downloading specific apps. You can search for and install apps that have the functions you desire, such as a digital camera, video recorder, FM radio, or MP3 player. Depending on your phone's operating system (iOS, Android, etc.), you can find these apps in the respective app stores (e.g., App Store for iOS devices and Google Play Store for Android devices).

3) Comparing the experience of listening to music on an iPad versus a cell phone, you can consider factors like storage capacity and sound quality. iPads generally have more storage space, so you can save and store a larger music library. Additionally, iPads often have a better audio output and speakers, resulting in better sound quality when playing music.

4) To spend less on phone calls, having a cheap telephone contract or plan can be beneficial. Some service providers offer specific plans with discounted rates for calls. For example, you can inquire about plans that allow you to call two numbers of your choice at any time for a fixed cost, such as 2 Euros per week. It's important to check with your service provider for available options and benefits.

5) To express your well-wishes and ask about someone's holidays and well-being, you can use phrases like "I hope you had nice holidays in Spain" and "I hope everything is okay with you now." These expressions show your concern and interest in their experiences and well-being.

6) To provide directions for someone, you can explain the steps they need to take. In this case, you can say, "You'll have to go down the escalator, then check in by punching your ticket. After that, you can find a seat on the train." This sequence of instructions guides the person through the necessary actions to board the train.

7) When asking about someone's seat on a train, you can use questions like "On which carriage is your seat?" and "What seat number have you got?" These questions help you identify their specific seat location. To guide someone to Waterloo quickly, you can say, "Change onto the yellow line and get off at the third station." This instruction advises them to switch to the yellow line and disembark at the third station.

8) To remind someone to put their suitcase in the luggage bay, you can say something like "Don't forget to place your suitcase in the luggage bay." This prompts them to remember to stow their luggage in the designated storage area.

9) When purchasing train tickets, you can ask for specific ticket types and inquire about available discounts. For example, you can say, "Can I have two return tickets to Waterloo, please?" Additionally, you can ask about discounts for students or families with children by saying, "Are there any reductions or special rates for students or families with children?" To inform someone of a possible discount, you can say, "You can get 10% off if you have a student's card." These questions and statements help you obtain the desired ticket type and inquire about possible cost savings.