ý22xn is between 80 and 85 what is n?

What is "y"?

To avoid confusion of "x" as an unknown, use "*" to indicate multiplication online.

80 < 22n < 85?

To find the value of n when ý22xn is between 80 and 85, we need to set up an inequality and solve for n.

Given that ý22xn is between 80 and 85, we can write the inequality as:

80 < ý22xn < 85

To solve this inequality, we will divide both sides by ý22x (assuming ý22x is positive):

80 / ý22x < xn < 85 / ý22x

Since we want to isolate n, we rewrite the inequality as:

80 / ý22x < n < 85 / ý22x

Now, we can simplify the right-hand side of the inequality:

n < 85 / ý22x

We can leave the left-hand side as it is, since it does not need further simplification. However, keep in mind that n must also be greater than 80 / ý22x.

To find the value of n, you would need to know the specific value of ý22x. Without knowing this value, it is not possible to determine the exact value of n.