Using the digit 2 and 1. Write a fraction greater than 1/3

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Right again!

^ that is correct! because 2/1=2 and 2 is greater than 1/3

To write a fraction greater than 1/3 using the digits 2 and 1, we need to form a fraction where the numerator (top number) is greater than the denominator (bottom number).

We will use the digit 2 as the numerator and 1 as the denominator. Therefore, the fraction would be 2/1, which simplifies to just 2.

Since 2 is an integer (whole number) and not a fraction, it is not greater than the fraction 1/3. In order to create a fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator, we need to reverse the digits.

Let's now use 1 as the numerator and 2 as the denominator. The fraction would be 1/2. This fraction is indeed greater than 1/3 because if we divide 1 by 2, the result (0.5) is greater than 1/3.

Hence, the fraction 1/2 is an example of a fraction greater than 1/3 using the digits 2 and 1.