Identify at least three difficulties that a DBMS overcomes for the business enterprise. Name two additional problems that are caused by relational DBMS technology. Justify your choices.

Three difficulties that a DBMS (Database Management System) overcomes for a business enterprise are:

1. Data Redundancy: In traditional file-based systems, data is duplicated across multiple files, leading to redundancy and inconsistency. A DBMS eliminates data redundancy by providing a centralized and structured approach to storing data. This ensures that there is only one instance of each data item, improving data integrity and reducing storage requirements.

To identify data redundancy problems, one can examine the database schema and compare the data stored in different tables. If similar or identical data is present in multiple tables, it indicates redundancy.

2. Data Inconsistency: In file-based systems, when the same data is stored in different files, there is a risk of inconsistency. For example, updating a customer's address in one file may not reflect in other files, leading to inconsistencies in data. A DBMS maintains data consistency by enforcing integrity constraints and providing transactional capabilities. This ensures that changes made to the data are reflected consistently across all relevant tables.

To identify data inconsistency problems, one can compare related data across different tables or files. If discrepancies exist, it indicates data inconsistency.

3. Data Security: Storing data in a secure manner is crucial for a business enterprise. A DBMS provides various security features, such as access controls, user authentication, and encryption, to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or modification. It allows businesses to define user roles and permissions, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access and manipulate the data.

To assess data security challenges, one can review the security mechanisms implemented in the DBMS, such as user authentication protocols, access control lists, and data encryption methods. Any potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in these mechanisms can indicate security difficulties.

Additional problems caused by relational DBMS technology include:

1. Performance Issues: Relational DBMSs, while providing a structured and efficient way to manage data, can sometimes face performance challenges. As the volume of data and the complexity of queries increase, the relational model might struggle to process queries at a desired speed. This can result in slower response times, impacting the overall system performance.

To address performance issues, one can monitor the database system's resource utilization, such as CPU and memory usage, during peak load periods. Analyzing query execution plans and indexes can also help identify performance bottlenecks.

2. Data Integrity Constraints: Relational DBMSs enforce various integrity constraints, such as primary keys, foreign keys, and uniqueness constraints, to maintain data integrity. However, these constraints can sometimes become a hindrance when performing certain operations or modifications on the database. For example, changing a primary key value might require updating corresponding foreign key values in other tables, which can be complex and error-prone.

To identify problems caused by integrity constraints, one can review the database schema and analyze the dependencies between tables and their constraints. Examining error logs or data modification logs can also reveal instances where the constraints caused difficulties.

Justifying these choices:

The mentioned difficulties and problems are commonly encountered in business enterprises and are effectively addressed by using DBMS technology:

- Addressing data redundancy and inconsistency leads to improved data accuracy and reliability, which are vital for businesses in making informed decisions and ensuring operational efficiency.

- Data security is crucial to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or breaches, safeguarding a business's reputation and complying with privacy regulations.

- Performance issues may arise due to the increasing volume of data and the complexity of queries. By monitoring and optimizing query execution and resource utilization, businesses can ensure better system performance and responsiveness.

- Although integrity constraints add a layer of data consistency and quality, they can sometimes pose challenges during database operations. Understanding and managing these constraints effectively is important to avoid data inconsistencies and operational difficulties.