If you have 137.8 mL of a 38.4% aqueous solution of ethanol, what volumes of ethanol and water are in the solution?

To determine the volumes of ethanol and water in the solution, we can use the formula:

Volume of component = Volume of solution x Percentage of component

Volume of solution = 137.8 mL
Percentage of ethanol = 38.4%

Step 1: Calculate the volume of ethanol in the solution.
Volume of ethanol = Volume of solution x Percentage of ethanol
Volume of ethanol = 137.8 mL x 0.384
Volume of ethanol ≈ 52.9856 mL (rounded to four decimal places)

Step 2: Calculate the volume of water in the solution.
Volume of water = Volume of solution - Volume of ethanol
Volume of water = 137.8 mL - 52.9856 mL
Volume of water ≈ 84.8144 mL (rounded to four decimal places)

Therefore, there are approximately 52.9856 mL of ethanol and 84.8144 mL of water in the solution.

To find the volumes of ethanol and water in the solution, we can use the concept of percent composition.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
38.4% = 0.384

Step 2: Multiply the total volume of the solution (137.8 mL) by the decimal value of the percentage composition to find the volume of ethanol.
Volume of ethanol = 137.8 mL * 0.384 = 53.05 mL

Step 3: Subtract the volume of ethanol from the total volume of the solution to find the volume of water.
Volume of water = Total volume of solution - Volume of ethanol
= 137.8 mL - 53.05 mL
= 84.75 mL

Therefore, the solution contains 53.05 mL of ethanol and 84.75 mL of water.