Any sites on Bishop Tutu?

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u suk!!

ur so mean


Certainly! There are several websites where you can find information about Bishop Desmond Tutu, the renowned South African social rights activist and retired Anglican bishop. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Official website: Visit the official website of Desmond Tutu at This site provides comprehensive information about his life, work, and ongoing projects. It includes articles, speeches, photos, and news updates related to his activism.

2. Nobel Prize website: Bishop Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his work against apartheid in South Africa. The official Nobel Prize website ( has a dedicated page for Archbishop Tutu, which provides a biography, interviews, speeches, and other relevant information.

3. Academic resources: Many academic institutions have comprehensive profiles or biographies on influential figures like Bishop Tutu. Check websites of reputable universities, research centers, or libraries for articles, interviews, and papers related to his life and work. Websites like JSTOR ( and Google Scholar ( can also provide academic articles and scholarly publications on his work.

4. News websites and archives: Online news sources often have articles, interviews, and opinion pieces related to Bishop Tutu. Popular news websites like BBC News, The Guardian, The New York Times, or Al Jazeera might have archives or dedicated sections covering his life and accomplishments. A simple search using keywords like "Bishop Tutu" or "Desmond Tutu" will give you relevant results.

Remember, when using search engines, make sure to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the websites you find. Look for reputable sources with accurate information and cross-reference multiple sources to gain a well-rounded understanding of Bishop Tutu's life and work.